Return Policy
30-Day Guarantee Policy
In the rare case of receiving an incorrect or defective item from us, please contact us within 48 hours of delivery and our team will make sure that we resolve your issue.
For incorrect items, we will arrange an exchange with you where we will provide a return label for you to return the incorrect item to us as well as ship the correct item at no cost to you.
For defective products, kindly take photos or videos which highlight the issue and send it to Once we confirm, we will arrange a replacement or refund for you - whichever works best for you.
Note: Our policy is rendered invalid once the item has been used and if damaged due to the following:
- Misuse or the item was used incorrectly
- Accidental damage
- Water damage
- Any form of abuse to the product
Returns & Refunds
You can return the item to us for an exchange or a refund within 30 days since it was delivered. Afterwards, this policy will be invalid and we can no longer offer free replacement or refund.
Not all items sold on the website are eligible for return. Items not eligible for returns (personal items etc) will be indicated on the product detail page.
For returns, please remember:
- The item must be in their original condition and packaging, unused.
- If the refund is for an item to be returned, kindly send an e-mail to with a detailed reason along with photos/videos that can support it.
- Once the return request is approved, you will be given a return authorization number along with the address of the nearest warehouse to mail the product to.
- When sending back the package, please write the return authorization number on the package so we can locate it easier and process your refund or exchange faster.
- Please use a trackable mail service to assure your refund or exchange as we will not be responsible if it gets lost or missing. You will also be paying for the shipping costs unless the fault was on us (i.e. incorrect product).
- Once we receive the package, we will examine it and once it confirms the issue, we will issue the refund to the original payment method or start the process of resending the replacement.
- Partial refunds may be granted depending on the situation.
Lost or Stolen Packages
Claire & Clara will not be responsible for lost or stolen packages if they are confirmed to be delivered to the address entered for the order. We will advise you to work with your local post instead for an investigation and C&C will be more than glad to help by providing the necessary information.
If the item delivered is incorrect, we can do an exchange and we will also provide a return label for that. However, if you want to exchange the item with another variant of the same item, send us an e-mail at support@claireandclara to sort it out.
Cancelation of Orders
Orders can still be canceled as long as they are not shipped yet. If you have already paid your order but you need to make a change or cancel it, please contact us within 12 hours so we may stop the processing. However, once your order has been processed and shipped, we cannot cancel it anymore.
For any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at